Wow Ty, glad I heard this from you. Hit hard for some reason, maybe, as you said, because his characters were so likable throughout his career despite the struggles underneath. I’m so sorry we don’t get to keep knowing and liking him, hoping he can conquer the demons. Sometimes, too often, the demons win. RIP.

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I fell in love with Matt Albie, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, with his complicated relationship with Harriet and his deep love for his friend Danny. R.I.P. dear man.

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This hit me hard as well, and I never know which celebrity deaths will leave a mark. Perry's struggles moved me greatly, he seems to have had a couple years clean when he drifted off this afternoon.

Hoping it's his work, though, that will define him rather than the horrors.

Fifty-four is just too damned young, though.

Rest in peace, Matthew Perry, if you exist in some form I wonder if you're surprised by how sad and shocked we are and how much we regret you won't leave us any more new work...

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This reminds me of a scene in “Life Itself.” Will tells Dr. Morris about the nicest guy at the asylum, whose life tormented him. The guy killed himself. “How did that make you feel?” says Dr. Morris. “I was happy for him,” Will says. “...Relieved.”

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Not only did he have brilliant comic timing and delivery, but he was an excellent dramatic actor as well. I loved his character in Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and wish it had run longer. But yeah, he'll always be remembered as Chandler, and with good reason. This one hit me hard too.

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