Nov 9, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

Thank you, Ty! What a relief to know that you had the same reaction I did. Stopped listening to Now & Then halfway through and immediately put on Hard Day's Night so I could re-enter the warm sonic hug of the harmonies in "If I Fell." It's my happy place.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

I’ve been a Beatles fan for as long as I’ve been conscious, but I’ve always at heart vein a Lennon fanatic (seriously, Come Together was my first favorite song in the world when I was 2 years old). And of late I’ve developed a real dislike to the way McCartney has toyed with their legacy. I just don’t see this stuff happening if Lennon were still alive.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

I’ve loved the Beatles since I was a teen in the 60’s, especially John. It was a real treat to hear him again with the band and I very much appreciate that Paul had this on his mind for decades and followed through when the time was right. Wouldn’t be surprised to hear that many other fans were teary eyed seeing this come to fruition.

As for criticism, this to me is one of those occasions where if you don’t have something nice to say, ...

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I’m with you (and George), Ty!

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Exactly, on all counts.

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Um, meant that from me (John Todd), not Dorothy….

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Frankenrock - good word! I am beyond creeped out by technical resurrection "performances" by good musicians who are - to put it bluntly - dead. And the photos in your piece are just plain horrifying, especially the perky looking "John Lennon."

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Right on, as usual. Thanks once again.

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Before I read this, I was thinking that it’s been a week, and I haven’t even bothered to check the “new” song out yet. Not only that, but I haven’t heard a word of praise or condemnation, or even curiosity, from my Beatle-loving friends from the 60s. I was one who would glue myself to the radio when a new single came out, and haunt the record stores on day one of a new album. By the end of a week, I’d have them memorized! Sure, I’ll check it out sometime when I get around to it, but the whole project sounds just a little creepy.

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I feel great relief that I don't have to care about this whatsoever! And I agree with your assessment of the Beatles. But the fact remains that, if assigned to the proverbial desert Island, I would pass on the entire Beatles catalogue in favor of "This Whole World" by the Beach Boys.

(For those who might be checking it out for the first time, no, you will not be able to make sense of the chord progression / key changes until a third or fourth listening.)

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Agreed! Horrible song, but thanks for mentioning "Yesterday", sounds like an interesting film and I haven't seen it. I enjoy movies that play with time, altered time, going back in time, bringing time forward (Peggy Sue Got married, Jurassic Park, The Time machine, ect.) but then think what chaos would ensue if it were possible, a meaningless, structure-less soup of happenings floating around with no beginning or end. Sort of like imagining what there was before the Big Bang. How about a column on time travel movies?

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I guess I’m not -was never- a big enough Beatles fan to work myself up over it. I enjoyed Now & Then as a piece of nostalgia, and it’s seeming lightheartedness. Much as I always enjoyed their original music -which for me centered around their inventiveness. The Beatles always were adept at monetizing their quirkiness and this just seems like an extension of that, no big deal, but a bit of a buzz. I do wonder what Julian’s view of this use of dad’s stuff is?

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Slim song and dreadful video. But how much does the world need the Beatles...

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Nailed it, Ty. We’re listening backwards at (not ‘to’) ghosts through the lens of late capitalism. We get to be both exploited and comforted at the same time. I don’t necessarily begrudge McCartney and Starr trying to recapture something they’ve lost, and I suppose there’s something in that for every Beatles fan—but it’s hard not to also recognize the cynical marketing manipulation of cultural nostalgia driving this. The video is...oh, man. What the hell could they possibly have been thinking?!?!

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I was hoping you'd write about this! Your opinion was the one I wanted to read. I disagree with you on YESTERDAY, which is so offensively bad that it made me write one of the meanest reviews I've ever written, but we agree on that dreadful Peter Jackson video. It's the perfect explanation of why SAG-AFTRA was on strike about AI. Peter Jackson, Ang Lee and Robert Zemeckis need to have their cameras smashed with sledgehammers and get thrown in jail for repeated abuses of technology. Though I'm a huge fan of The Beatles (unlike my parents, who HATED THEM, so my fandom began as rebellion) I'm too young to be taken seriously about these FrankenRock songs. (I love your term, by the way.) This is a White Boomer subject, and I'm neither of those things. I don't understand this type of nostalgia at all. But I'll still spend my two cents and say "Now and Then" is as creepy as it is meh. And I kinda liked that last attempt, Free as Ty Burr, I mean Free as a Bird. At least that song's video created visual allusions to Beatles lyrics, not the actual Beatles. I wish someone had paraphrased the famous tagline from the show "Beatlemania," and called the song "the real thing, but an incredibly bad facsimile thereof."

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Hi Odie,

Thanks for your Globe movie reviews! I always enjoy your insights, and willingness to attend 1-star movies so we don't have to. Do you have a link to your "Yesterday" review? I just watched it (hated the creepy John Lennon) but thought it at least had some interesting ideas.

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Hi, Ty! Thank you for your "treatise" on "Now and Then". After reading your comments, I went to YouTube and watched the video. I like the song. Don't love it, but like. It's ok. I was never a fan of the early Beatles. Could never understand the screaming teens, the hysterics, etc. However ... the video? NO THANK YOU! I don't think the song needs a video. But that's me, a 75 year old, old lady.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Simple equation: "Now and Then" = mediocrity; would never have made the cut for a Beatles album (or Lennon's). Remaster of Red and Blue albums in 24/96 = awesome. Long overdue update to latest technologies. Plus, it allows me to claim that I have purchased "She Loves You) more than a dozen times in different formats.

Love your term “Frankenrock.” Plan to steal it frequently. Although to me that conjures up those peak COVID era collaborations via Zoom that tried to meld many parts into a supposed whole. "Resurrection Rock" maybe?

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