Congratulations on your anniversary! You steer us to so many interesting places! And save us many viewing hours too by steering us away from some tempting options: thank you! Against your and my better judgment I saw TG anyway. You were right of course about the rah rah cringes.

Only call I take issue with: your enthusiastic rec of Everything Everywhere All at Once. I saw it in the theater soon after Buffalo an Uvalde massacres, and found it much too violent and intense. Had to leave after the scene in which the main character is ordered to kill her daughter while she (the mother) is holding a big piece of broken glass and appears to be considering doing it. Abraham and Isaac notwithstanding, to quote Jordan Peele: NOPE.

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After watching The Gray Man, I set a land-speed record in completely forgetting the contents of a movie I’d just seen. Maybe that’s a good thing.

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