Is this the right place to post questions and comments? Here is one -- I am astounded at the total lack of interest by the journalists writing about this strike in the influence of the nonAmerican movie production industry. This is huge, and it enormously strengthens the hand of the producers. What do they care if American actors and screenwriters are not reporting for work? They have thousands of alternatives, often, as we all know from first-hand experience, very highly skilled. (Netflix had made this point dozens of times in the past year.) So isn't it perfectly reasonable to predict that this strike will be settled in like a month once the screenwriters and actors recognize how weak their side is? If not, what am I missing? And how can I make any sense at all of the fact that no journalist, at least in any of the coverage I have read, has written about this? Are journalists that biased for labor?

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I am an old subscriber who left the fold for a while but continued/s to read the column with great regularity. I can no longer feel happy with myself as an unpaid guest because your work is so evident and superb. So, I'm a resubscriber today. ❤️

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