Watch List Weekly Recap 5/26/23
Henry James in 21st-century New York, Joaquin Phoenix in day-after-tomorrow L.A., a tale of male friendship in the Italian Alps, and much, much more.
This is the Friday recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to cut down on in-box clutter and receive this weekly email ONLY, please go to your account page and under “Email notifications” uncheck every box except “Weekly Digest.” If you’d prefer to not receive it at all, uncheck just “Weekly Digest.”
Just to keep things simple: A new (and hopefully weekly) feature that boosts one movie and one movie only.
A new Watchcast! L.A.-based film critic Amy Nicholson and I go deep on the prescient 2013 human/AI romance “Her,” starring Joaquin Phoenix (below) and the voice of Scarlett Johansson.
The Friday round-up is chock full of farewells (Tina Turner, Kenneth Anger, “Succession”), botched arrivals (hello, streaming platform MAX), two ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 1/2 movies (“The Eight Mountains,” below, and “You Hurt My Feelings”), a Disney remake, a Mary Tyler Moore documentary, and a rudely funny new series on Apple TV+.
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