Hey, thanks for the TIFF rundown. Was especially excited today about Hit Man. You have it noted as releasing in October 3rd, a Tuesday. Just wanted to double check that you didn't mean November 3rd, a Friday. Thanks again and have a good weekend.

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My mistake: Oct. 3 is the film's screening at the New York Film Festival. Theatrical date has not yet been set. I've corrected the entry; thanks.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

This is why you’re my favorite critic, Ty! I whole concur with Hit Man. I think Perfect Days was just as good or better but that involved me crying at multiple times so for pure enjoyment Hit Man won. I’ll be watching it again once I can see it with captions for the hearing impaired as I definitely missed some things, but it was easy to follow along without them. Enjoy the rest of the fest!

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Hit Man doesn't actually have distribution yet; that October 3rd date is the US premiere at the New York Film Festival and not a commercial release. Hope it gets picked up soon; was also my favorite of TIFF.

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Yep, have corrected that, thanks.

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I saved La Chimera and Evil Does Not Exist for NYFF, but I did see HIT MAN and I agree with you. This is a star-making turn for Powell; in my coverage I referred to it as a comic neo-noir. And it's sexy! I know the folks on Elon's folly are anti-sex scene and all that, but I'm all for screwing in movies so long as the scenes aren't directed by Christopher "I ruined rumpy-pumpy" Nolan.

Stamped from the Beginning was very good--I think that was the movie I'd just seen at the Lightbox when I ran into you. By the way, I mentioned you in my third TIFF dispatch (online now and in the paper tomorrow). Someone wrote asking when you were coming back. Of course, I directed them here with my usual "You love Ty? PAY THE MAN!" E-mail response. And I think you'll like THEATER CAMP. I panned it--I'm a theater queen, not a theater kid and there's a big difference--but you might like it. The musical at the end is so good I wished the entire movie had been just that show.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

Thanks again - for giving me more movies I want to see than I probably can or will! I want to give a shout-out to Theater Camp - I hadn't heard of it but noticed it had been playing at my local theater (The Somerville in Davis) for almost a month so I checked it out and loved it. Funny, and sweet in the best way . . . . I recommend!

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I agree. My husband and I saw in the theater and everyone was laughing. And the young actors were fabulous. There was enough acid and bitterness like a well-balanced wine.

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Every year I get excited about TIFF (largely due to your reports) and every year I get bummed by the words “seeking distribution” or words to that effect. What the hell is wrong with the film industry??? I get that a major problem is - our generation, which is not dragging its collective ass to the theaters like we should (trying to do my part!) but, mercy, the distributors are leaving a lot of great films in limbo. Perhaps the best part of this site is your ability to keep us apprised of when and where these films can be seen, keep it up.

And, people, drag yourselves to the theaters when you can. Support this shit while you got it.

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