Does the movie Simone, where Al Pacino created an artificial movie star, count as an early warning about AI?

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Thanks Ty! Missed Her in 2013, and your review of it. Now, want to watch it for sure. Great podcast, you & Ms. Nicholson are an excellent duo!

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I watched Ex Machina and then Her. I learned a human is capable of deep emotions and sexual attraction interacting with a fake woman or a sultry voice. I know this is true. I was turned on by the AI in Ex Machina.

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Such a mentally and emotionally resonant film! Joaquin Phoenix's character Theodore is in an emotionally more mature place at the conclusion of "Her" but alas, the biggest things he learns perhaps are how to let go of a relationship along with the overall unlikelihood of sustaining one. And yet, ironically enough, the couples he writes personal letter for as a part of his job do indeed seem to sustain relationships, with Theodore's letters playing no small part in that.

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