Apr 12, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

Loving is a beautiful film.

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Many thanks. Ty, for slogging through the Netflix movie mire to mine these nuggets.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

I'll take any opportunity to talk up Lagaan. On a visit to London in 1982 I decided to take in a day of cricket at Lord's cricket ground. The game started at 10, and I assumed I'd have plenty of time to attend an opera performance at Covent Garden at 7:30, for which I already had tickets. When the day started I knew blessedly little about cricket, but trust me, spend 8 hours watching and you figure out the rules, which really aren't that complicated. I had to leave with the game still in the balance to go to Covent Garden and still feel I made the wrong call.

The cricket scenes in Lagaan are lengthy, not quite long enough for a total novice to figure the game out I suspect, but also compelling enough that you'll develop the strong rooting interest for the underdog that is the heart of any sports film. But, sports film you say? How about an anti-colonialism piece less Mel Gibsony than RRR? And the music! And the dancing! And the color! And the romance! And how about just watch it, OK?

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Oh no!!!! You just added another 4 films to my never ending list to watch! I must cancel everything I do and just watch films day and night.... preposterous... but fun! Thanks Ty, hope you back in good shape. Kati

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

“Wonder” was a wonder of a film. Oscars don’t recognize many good films.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Ty Burr

Oh, these choices make me so happy. Thank you!

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I loved Private Lives so much I did not want it to end

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Lagaan was my very first Bollywood movie and not my last. What an eye opener!

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